November 8, 2008

Italy, France, Germany, Australia....Australia? That's not in Europe!

"How are ya'll this mornin'?"
"I'm sorry. I'm a bit confused."

This was a legitimate conversation between me and one Australian girl. Keeley and I traveled through Top Deck Tours. Most of our tour group was made up of Australians, and instead of saying 'what' if they didn't hear you, they said 'hay'. I was unaware of this, and I assume she had never heard of 'ya'll'. I found it crazy that we were both speaking English, but could barely understand each other at times. So I learned about Australia on a trip intended to learn about Europe.

I did learn about Europe. We traveled to the Netherlands first. Tulips and Clogs were everywhere. Apparently Holland is famous for Tulips even though that is not where they originated. Oh, by the way Holland is an area in the Netherlands and everything in Holland is Dutch. It kind of confused me, so I thought I would clarify. This is also where we visited the cheese making factory. Did you know it is alright NOT to refrigerate cheese? It was all just on shelves.

We went to Germany next. The most famous here are the beer halls. These massive buildings house rows and rows of tables. Traditional music is playing (god awful), men are in ledrhosen, and beer steins and clinking in cheers all around. There are places for the regular guests to store their beer stein for later use.

Austria was the next stop. The kings of the past didn't believe in fighting, so they just married in order to gain land. It ended up being the biggest dynasty, but they ran into trouble once Mary Antoinette married the prince of France. Mozart was also born in Austria.

Italy has always been my dream destination. It was most impressive. This country had so much to offer: the Vatican city, pantheon, Colosseum, and the forums in Rome, the sinking city of Venice, and beautiful Florence. Each city was unique and had something new to offer, rather it be a gondola ride through the canals or a tour of St. Peters Cathedral. Italy was famous for lace, glass, masks, wine, and of course FOOD! Pizza, pasta, and gellato filled my four days in Italy.

That is more than I can say for France. I was certainly not a fan of the frog legs and escargo. You can fancy it up all you are still eating SNAILS! We got to see many things, but my favorite was obviously the Eiffel tower. We went to the very top at night. The lights of the city were beautiful.

Nothing I saw here in Europe was as beautiful as the night sky in Texas or the sunset over the fields. However, I did find out that chivalry still lives. I thought it was only in Texas, but it is in England too. They say the french are rude, but one french guy led us to where we needed to be even though it was out of his way. He said he wasn't very good with directions, so he just took us there. They say to watch out for the Italian men, but all they did was sell me jewlery. Everyone was very friendly and kind along the way. I guess you can find good people anywhere you go.

November 7, 2008

Top Deck Tour of Europe

Tons of Pictures! This is doing my tour in reverse. Blogger loads pictures weird....but anyways enjoy!

This is certainly not my plate. Daniel got frog legs, and he made me try them.

Frog leg is on the fork! I do not look pleased.
Quasimodo's residence, aka Notre Dame. It is smaller than i expected it to be. The grandeur of the building is much better seen up close.

Mona Lisa is just inside, but I didn't want to stare at the back of some Japanese tourists head trying to get to it. This is now the Louvre, a big art museum, but it used to be where Mary Antoinette used to live and have her grand parties. At least until she got her head chopped off. (This is a very shortened version of the story. If you are interested, email me for more details or you can look it up for a more accurate account.)

Cleopatra's Needle. There are only 4 of these in the world.

Don't mess with me. I will shoot you with my cannon.

It was raining when we got to see the Arc de Triomph. Built in memory of the revolution (Death of Mary Antoinette).

The real Moulin Rouge!

The Eiffel Tower sparkles on the hour. (I sparkle all the time ;)

Me, over the city of Paris.

Raider at the Tower.

This was the first dome ceiling ever built and was the largest....and I guess the smallest too....

The colosseum in Rome. I couldn't help but think of the gladiators and Julius Ceasar.


The Roman Forums...Where Ceasar walked around is about 11 meters below the city of Rome today.

Toss one coin if you want to return to Rome. Toss two coins if you want to find love. Toss three coins if you want a divorce. It must be over your left shoulder. I tossed one coin of course!

I am drinkin from the Trevi Fountain. You can drink from all the fountains in Rome. People were filling up buckets and water bottles.

Trevi Fountain.

The Pantheon. I think this dome beat out the first one ever built in size.

Masquerade masks were all over Italy.

Rome from a bridge.

Inside St. Peters Basilica. His remains are actually still here.

School of Athens inside the Vatican City.

This was supposed to be the portrate of the ideal and perfect man. Sorry no length wise pictures...

This monk was walkin around the Vatican City.

Colosseum by night.

Raider in Rome

Trevi Fountains by night

Spanish steps...always this crowded

Venice from inside a Gondola

That is a street in Venice. Want to catch the bus...boat?

Swiss Alps. It snowed while we were in Switzerland.

This is the cemetary where the family in "Sound of Music" hid from the Nazis. This is in Salzburg, Austria, which is also the place where Mozart was born.

The devils footprint....does your shoe fit?

Town Square in Munich

This is the largest beer stein in the World. The smaller ones are a tradition of Germany. It keeps their huge beers cold for hours. If the lid is closed, everything is good. If the lid is open, the waitress better refill!

Knight in shining armor.

My are much more comfy.

This just seemed like typical holland to me.