October 18, 2008

London Brussels tour!

For my long study tour, we went to Brussels and London. Here are some of the pictures.

This was inside the Brewers of Europe.

Some famous statue in Brussels. I am not sure why, but people rubbed the statue as they passed for luck.

Inside the European Union Parliament, presidents are usually only allowed to stand here and speak. Could this be an allusion to the future?

This is legitimately the president of the EU!!

This is me and Phuong with Brussels as a backdrop.

Okay, so this is the most famous statue in Brussels. Manequin Pis was built in honor of the guy who saved the city in the war by peeing on the fuses of the cannons.

Chocolate and shoes are two objects of my affection. Here we see chocolate shoes...What could possibly be better?

EU Parliament.

Our tour leader Frank inside the EU parliament.

Phuong and I in the train or eurostar.

This is Grand Place at night

There is a very good reason that the waffles are famous from Belgium.

Do I need to say anything?

Tower Bridge..now in London.

Very random blob with a very random girl!

By the way...the guards DO MOVE!
Buckingham Palace-Phuong and I got to see the changing of the guard by chance.

The famous red telephone booth

Inside Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.

They had to write which way to look when crossing the street so the little Americans would stop getting run over!

View of London from Westminster Abbey

Hyde Park beside Buckingham palace

Buckingham Palace

Harrods..huge expensive department store

We got to see a rendition of Monty Python and the holy grail in the royal theater ...HILARIOUS!

A sneak picture inside the theater

I am inside the London eye. It has the largest panoramic view in Europe.

From the top of the eye

Our flight shuttle on the eye

Buckingham Palace


The London eye and Me

Big Ben and parliament form on top of the eye

Double Decker of London

Oh just a simple meeting room

The egg in London

There are many stories I could tell you from London and Brussels. Some are embarrassing others are entertaining, but they all play off a difference in culture and the interplay of our American lives and life in Europe. One of our business meetings got canceled because of how affected they are by the Financial crisis in America. On the lighter side, I actually ran into people from Texas while in London. I ate texmex at a restaurant called Chi Chi's in Brussels (trust me not at all texmex...let's just say buffalo wings were on the menu). My experience as an American student in Europe has been amazing thus far, but I guarantee you my experience is completely different than Phuong's, my vietnamese friend, experience or even very different from a Califorian's experience. Each city was completely unique in its language, culture, and sights.
I will post again soon with pictures from Keeley and I's tour of Europe.


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures and the updates. It sounds and looks like you're having a fabulous time. I hope your BIRTHDAY is wonderful and celebrated by all those around you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COUSIN!!! Love, Choyia Doll

Doug, Amy, Nathan & Lauren said...

It's so fun to see you going through this experience. :) Thanks for sharing!