September 4, 2008


As most of you know I am studying at the Danish Institute for Study Abroad. What most of you don't know is that it is a very prestigious program. 80% of my school is composed of students from either a private college or highly selective schools. It seems like Cambridge is among the most popular among the Business students, but it ranges from Yale to...well, Texas Tech University! The professors are not full time teachers, but rather professionals in their field who take time out of their busy schedule to teach us. I don't think I will ever be taught by such a qualified staff again. Although these professors are experts, they are still extremely informal. We call every one of them by their first name. My professor for International Marketing and Branding even invited us to his home this Friday night for dinner and drinks. It isn't uncommon for professors to have a round of drinks with their students on study tours and other adventure trips. It all seems like a very big change, but some things do remain the same. I have my favorite classes and I am still working hard to maintain grades, and they will still be on a A, B, C basis. Actually it will be on an A basis for me.

The school is in the heart of the city. I had to get used to the metro and TONS of walking. In between classes, I like to explore the surrounding area. There are several streets and neighborhoods that are strictly for pedestrians. Countless shops and bakeries line the sidewalks. I feel like there is a surplus of ice cream shops. There is ALWAYS one in sight. Sandwich cafes and coffee shops are also very popular.

Well...I thought I would give you my address

Molly Murdock
DIS, Vestergade 7,
1456 Copenhagen K,

I also wanted to tell you all...if you want to leave a comment, you can do it anonymously, just make sure to leave your name within the comment. You could also email me at I love questions and comments so please please please send one on!


Anonymous said...

Greetings from Waxahachie, Molly. I'm going to check in occasionally to see how you're doing. We enjoyed your visit so much and hope you'll do it again. We'll also hope the fishin' will be productive enough for a meal! I also know what you mean about meeting new people. Unlike my daughter, who never meets a stranger, I have more trouble breaking the ice, so good for you that you're doing it.

Murdocks said...

Keep the updates coming. They are very interesting. One of those ice cream shops sounds pretty good right now... There is more to your address than I orginally wrote. Hope you get the care package. Talk to you soon. Love Mom

Sandra said...

So, If I were to send you a care package, what would it be that I would send that you could not get there?
Miss you, Love the blog!
Aunt, Sandra