September 18, 2008

Jeg kan godt lide Danmark!

I was walking across Kongs Nytorv (kings square) and I realized that a pigeon was walking beside me. I could have kicked that pigeon to high heavens, but it didn't seem too threatened. "It could be a flying football," Keeley, my roommate, said after I had expressed my desire to kick a pigeon. Chuck, some boy in my program, bet me that I couldn't do it on my first try. You may think you can see where this story is going, but no, I did not kick a pigeon. I did not try, but I will.

That was a random story, but it is something I have noticed about Denmark; they have brave birds. I have also noticed that the people are very brave. Not only do fully grown men wear tights and mini shorts A LOT, but they aren't afraid to hop out onto the street in front of the stampede of bicycles during the morning rush. Speaking of bravery, bicycling is a dangerous commute in which much courage is necessary. The bicycle lane is filled with Danes in a hurry. It is very easy to get pushed out into the street in the bustle of the morning. It is very uncommon to be in the street at the wrong time. Danes DO NOT cross the street until the light switches to walk.

Danes DO NOT serve. It is very difficult to get any kind of service in a restaurant, store, or any other establishment. They have got it to wear they set a small pitcher of your beverage on the table so you can refill your own drink as needed. I quote from our handbook, "The second and best option for getting your check is to fake a dramatic seizure." This may be a bit exaggerated, but it holds true to every institution I have been in.

So while you are enjoying your service, jaywalking, and safety from bikes, I will be chasing pigeons.


Murdocks said...

Punt the pigeon!!!!
but if you do - him and all his family members will crap on your head for the rest of your born days... so beware

Anonymous said...

You are TOO funny you bird kicker!
Your papa would be very proud of you, you know how much he likes birds.
Miss you, Aunt Sandra

Murdock House of (mostly) Boys said...

Wow, pigeon kicking...great new hobby! Sometimes they run into the big tanks out at Andy's work and commit suicide. It is weird, because the tanks are not anything like windows. How do these huge white tanks become invisible to these birds? I feel any you can get rid of up there, will make the world a better place. I am guessing your Papa kicked a few and is now paying for it by getting pooped on every time a bird is within a mile radius of him.
My laptop has been getting fixed for 3 weeks, so I didn't have your blog address (it is saved in my faves). So, I had to catch up on your pics and stories a bit today. All sounds good and I love the bank you found. Sounds like a good one! LOL Gotta love a CEO that is not too proud and has a sense of humor.

Hope you are having a great time and finding some decent food to eat...not that yucky chocolate!

Love you!
All of us