September 29, 2008

More From Denmark!

I was walking to class and, for the first time, could see my breath in the frigid morning air. The dampness of the fog was sticking to me in all the worst ways and I was wishing I had gloves. I buried my hands into the pockets of my coat trying to find some warmth. My fingers found a coin deep between the fabrics. I opened my fist to find a Texas quarter resting in my palm; I smiled the rest of the day. It seems no matter where I go, a little bit of home is always with me. When people ask me who I am, I say "Molly Jean from Panhandle, Texas." They giggle at my accent and try to imitate it, which I think sounds silly. I already have several friends who want to come and visit me in Texas and see where I live. I tell them it will be VERY different from what they are used to, and the food is much spicier. People will strike up conversation and know your life story in one meal, much unlike Denmark. People here say Denmark is "flat"....ha ha ha. They ain't seen nothin' yet!

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