September 29, 2008

Jeg skal til Tivoli og Futbol!

Yes, for those of you who don't know this from the title, I went to Tivoli and a soccer game recently. They were both very exciting. Here is a little inside peak!

Keeley and I after the game. They were throwing those hats into the stands...WOO FREE STUFF

Streamers and confetti was tossed about every 10 minutes in the stadium. Very festive!

Kid in front of us raised his flag high as the FCK (Futbol Club Kobenhavn) song was sung.

This dude was just walking down the street and I thought it was crazy...

Gotta have a dog at the game!

Keeley and I told Martin and Rasmus of the horror stories in our Danish Culture book. We took it to the kitchen one night to share with them. Clearly, Martin does not agree with it at all!

Rikke and I in the kitchen!

Got my guns up!

Inside Tivoli is a lake, gardens, restaurants, and rides. There are several themed areas.

This guy brings the party with him everywhere!

This is actually a restaurant inside Tivoli.

The entrance to Tivoli.

This is the hotel in Tivoli. There are only 13 rooms in the hotel. Can you tell it is high class?

Well that is all for now. I will have pictures of Legoland posted soon. So be sure and check back!

Answers: Yes, it is getting cold. It feels like it should be November already, but it isn't unbearable....yet. Yes, I am having a blast! ha ha and the birds seem to know that I have threatened them, because they have stayed far away ever since I made the pigeon kicking comment. I haven't been back to the square however, so we shall see on Wednessday if I can indeed kick a pigeon.

If any of you have any questions or topics, please email me at perhaps you would like to know more about the culture or language. Or would you rather know about my personal plans, stories, and classes of course. Thank you for your feedback; I love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love getting to see Denmark through your eyes. Keep the pictures coming. These are awesome. I love the buildings with their unique architecture. Thanks for sharing the futbol game. Yea for sports. Love you and miss you. have fun. Moma