September 14, 2008

Short Study Tour


As some of you may know, I recently went on a short study tour to Jutland, the main land in Denmark. We visited two companies: Jyske bank and Vestas Wind Turbines. We also had a couple of cultural visits. I had a blast! Let me share with you.

This is Stephanie, a girl in the IBE program with me.

The cabin was by the lake and fit 6 people into it.

The theter showed a musical. "Beach Boys in the Wild West" was the strangest thing I had ever seen. It was more like zombies with furry chaps singing about the beach and flying with cables.

This is the Internationl Business and Economics group B, my group.

Crazy guyes jumping into the frigid North Sea.

Some of the Wind turbine we saw in production.

Stephanie, Anamaria, and I after dinner.

This crazy guy was just chilling by our dining hotel.

This was the safety gear we wore for the tour of Vestas. From right: Anamaria, Dagmara, Ilona, and me. (the middle two are tall they are!)

The North Sea was cool to see. That concrete building on the left is a leftover bunker from WWII.

This was off the balcony of the cafe at Jyske.

This was the harbor in Ringkobing where we ate dinner and stayed in a hostel nearby.

Anamaria and I won chocolate for beating everyone in the Denmark trivia bus game.

This is what they were given. It was awful! It seriously tasted like salty licorice, which you couldn't chew.

This is the inside of Jyske. I am looking down from a window in a walkway above them.

This was written on the wall in the bank. I found it to be a very different phrase for a bank. This bank is certainly different from others. It was unpretentious and fun!

This was a piece in the art museum we visited on the first day.

Hans Christian Andersen was christened in this church.

The altar in the church was gorgeous, as were the chandeliers hanging overhead.

The dog sat back and relaxed in his cart as his owner towed him around.

If you look closely, you can see the bike in the water.

A metal statue was in the river of a paper sailboat, ironic? or maybe it was aluminum...

This garden is across from the church. It is situated next to a park and offers a view of the river.

Crazy flowers adorned the garden, but this one caught my eye the most. What kinda flower is that mommy?

A play in the back of a there's something you don't see in every town square.

Seriously, the CEO of Jyske bank is pictured on the wall like this. Jyske likes to spin a little humor into banking. Told you it was a bit different....
A meeting room from the days of old is pictured here.

Another business concept of Jyske is to put their "products" into tangible form and put them on a shelf. Ask centers allow you to scan the product and here all about it. The bank also has seating areas with free coffee and fruit. Magazines and books are nearby, so anyone can sit and relax.

This is the cafe in Jyske.

Yes, this is also inside the bank. Actually it is in one of the consulting rooms.

Jyske has their own TV production studio. It is fully equipped so they are ready to go on air at any time.

Another piece of art from the museum.

I hope you all enjoyed the pictures. Any questions or comments, please email me. Thanks for reading!


bigtexan said...

These pictures just keep getting better and better. I read your blog after the pictures also. I love reading this stuff you write. You make it so interesting. I love you so much sweetheart.

Murdocks said...

Foosball - my favorite. Is the guy at the bank taking off his pants or putting them on. The theatre looked awesome and the sailboats. Love those. Can't wait to see all the rest of the pics Love moma

Murdock House of (mostly) Boys said...

The funniest part is the chocolate package that says "Digestive" on it. That is too much.....